Dr Ida Rolf
& The 10 Series

Dr Ida Rolf


Rolfing is named after Dr. Ida Rolf, an American biochemist, who developed the method of structural integration in the 1940s. For her PhD in biochemistry, Ida studied fascia, a form of connective tissue that was largely disregarded by mainstream medicine but of interest to early osteopaths in the late 19th Century. 

Ida’s method of hands-on manipulation involved unwinding fascial strain to help her clients stand straighter and relieve pain. Her reputation grew as she worked on famous people of the time, such as Marlena Dietrich. She practised at the Esalen Institute in California, where others became interested in learning her structural integration techniques, which were later renamed Rolfing by her students.

Ida’s revolutionary approach to looking at the fascial body as a connected whole led her to develop a series of sequential interventions designed ago unwind the body in a specific order for optimum results. The system known as the 10 series recipe is still used in all genuine Rolfing treatments-today. The holistic Rolfing view and specific goal-orientated strategy for each session, distinguishes Rolfing from other of deep tissue on myofascial release bodywork.

Rolfing in the UK

There are currently 52 certified Rolfers in the UK, who have completed the full Rolfing curriculum and have a high level of understanding in working with the fascial system, systematically safely and effectively.  Some Rolfers have also undergone further training to become certified Rolfer movement practitioners and/or Advance Rolfers. To find a Rolfer near you visit the Rolfing UK website

Ida's two big ideas

Ida’s way of viewing and treating the body through the fascial system challenged traditional anatomical knowledge. Tom Myers, one of Ida’s early students, proved her right several decades later. He simply turned his scalpel side-on and dissected body length myofascial meridians, revealing a completely new structural map of the human form.

1. Gravity is the therapist
The aim of Rolfing is to remove any blocks or restrictions in the fascial network, allowing gravity to flow unimpeded through the body. When this achieved our structure and all systems within can be said to be in harmony with the universe.

2. Fascia is the organ of shape
Fascia has plasticity which means that its architecture can be modified and those changes remembered, can last for weeks, months and even years.

Then, in the  early 2000’s Robert Schleip, a German scientist and Rolfer, started looking at fascia in the laboratory. Other scientist became interested and in 2007, the first fascia Research congress was held. This, now annual event, brings together scientists and researchers from around the world to share their ideas and discoveries about fascia.

New organ discovered!

Recently, the New York Times announced the discovery of an important new organ, Fascia! 

Why has it taken so long?

Cutting fundamentally changes the architecture of fascia , and scanners such as X-ray and MRI do not pick up myofascial restrictions. Confocal Lazer Microscopy was finally able to see the true structure of the fascial matrix bringing completely new understanding of the roll that fascia plays in a living human body and confirming many of Ida’s original somewhat prophetic hunches about the importance of fascia.

The Rolfing 10 series

In addition to starting work on any specific structural issues, the main goal of the first session is to free the breathing – The Rolfer™ aims to evoke a more balanced and efficient breathing pattern by freeing fascial restrictions around the torso, shoulders, neck and head. The Rolfer™ also begins the process of mobilising and horizontalising the pelvis by working around hip joints and legs. The client is shown the benefits of enhanced breathing awareness and is often given homework based on addressing specific breathing issues.

The Rolfer™ works mainly with feet, lower legs and knees to establish a more stable and adaptive base of support for changes that will take place later on in the upper body. An improved awareness of our connection with the earth will also help to establish a firm sense of ‘place’, a sense of belonging without which it may be difficult to move on mentally and emotionally.

Specifically, the Rolfer™ will invite front/back balance through work with the side surfaces of the legs, arms, torso, neck and head. Work will continue to free the breath and evoke four way movement in ribs, Energetically, the aim is to bring awareness of energy flow down the lateral sides of body from sky to ground.

In this session we begin working to establish a core of support in the legs, from the inner arches of the feet up the inside surfaces of the legs to the pelvic floor. We also need to lengthen and ease the spinal curves and evoke sense of energy flow up through the core from ground to sky.

In evolutionary terms the Human species has only just learned to stand upright on two feet instead of four. Ida Rolf observed that in terms of walking with the same efficiency and ease as some of our four legged cousins we are still only at the ‘toddler’ stage and she firmly believed that Rolfing® was here to help the Human race evolve through to the next stage in our quest to touch the stars. The theme of session five is to teach walking with ease. Connecting the legs to the spine through iliopsoas muscle and using the spinal engine greatly improves efficiency and lessens stress and strain on the lumbar spine and hip flexors (so often the cause of low back pain).

The goal of the Rolfer™ in this session is to continue the work started in session five by working with restrictions in the back, the legs and pelvis to enhance somatic awareness and bring 2-way flow of subtle movement to the spine.

If you have trouble saying “Yes” or “No” or suffer with continual back ache, eye strain, TMJ problems, headaches or vertigo then it may just be because your head is in the wrong place. Balancing the head on the shoulders is a vital piece of the jigsaw in bringing a body into line with gravity. In this session the Rolfer™ continues easing restrictions in the upper back, shoulders and neck and begins work on the muscles and fascia of the face and inside the mouth for a balanced relationship between cranium, spine and mandible. Some Rolfers™ may also work with movement to evoke awareness of the three axis of cranial movement. and will often use cranio-sacral techniques to balance the cranial pulse.

Session eight begins the closure cycle. By now the unique structural issues of each client are in the foreground. Session eight is the final opportunity in this cycle to resolve any specific structural imbalances before bringing everything back together in sessions nine and ten.

Rolfing® does not seek perfectionism, just the best that the body will allow in its present state of being. To this end the Rolfing® process puts a vast amount of new information into the body in terms of changed structural relationships and new movement possibilities. Whilst the aim is to liberate the whole person it can also be a bit confusing on both the conscious and a subconscious levels. Therefore, in the final two sessions the Rolfer™ must make sure that all of this new information is integrated to the best effect by the client and that the client has a clear idea of what might be thrown away and what might be usefully explored further.

The Rolfer™ works all planes of the body, enhancing the effectiveness of breathing as well as bridging old with new patterns. This is a time to reflect on what has been gained from the process and what has been accomplished.

Rolfing® is effective because it remains sensitive to and works with the body’s innate wisdom. Rolfing® always changes the body but only at the speed and in the way that it needs to change. Sometimes there is a feeling at the end of the series that just a few more sessions would complete the process. If this is the case then your Rolfer™ will discuss this option with you. The work of Rolfing® and the new body awareness that it evokes, continues to bring change long after the series is finished. It is better, therefore, to wait a few months to see where the body wants to go before receiving more work. After this initial rest period some of my clients like to schedule regular maintenance sessions two or three times a year. some prefer to book a yearly mini series of three sessions. After the full series, my clients know their bodies a little better and I trust that they will know when the time is right for a top-up. My door is always open, and you are welcome to book as and when you feel the need. 

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