Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions 2023


I have successfully completed a Covid infection and prevention course which in essence is identical to the standard hygiene protocol that I have followed for 20 years. 

  • Cleaning surfaces between clients
  • A fresh couch and pillow cover for each person
  • Washing hands and arms after each client or after touching a client’s feet before working on other parts of the body
  • Asking clients to inform me 24 hrs before their appointment if they suspect that they may have a contagious illness.

It has now been almost universally accepted that face masks offer little to no protection from the COVID 19 virus.

Further more it is now believed that wearing a mask whilst suffering a viral attack can cause the wearer more serious harm.

A profoundly important study was conducted by German physician Dr. Zacharias Fögen to find out whether mandatory mask use influenced the COVID-19 case fatality rate in Kansas from August 1, 2020, to October 15, 2020. 

His analysis revealed that counties with a mask mandate had significantly higher case fatality rates than counties without a mask mandate. 

Dr Fögen proposes that deep re-inhalation of droplets and virions caught on facemasks could make COVID-19 infection more likely or more severe.

In the “Fögen effect,” the virions spread (because of their smaller size) deeper into the respiratory tract. They bypass the bronchi and are inhaled deep into the alveoli, where they can cause pneumonia instead of the less potentially fatal, bronchitis, 

Facial expressions contribute in a significant way to how we communicate and understand each other as humans. A primary goal of the Rolfing process is to help you to embody your humanity more vividly.  Face coverings adversely affect limbic resonance and vagal entrainment, they limit your ability to express and my ability to read and understand subtle signals. This having been said, your feeling of safety comes first, and so, 

  • I am happy for you to wear a mask if you prefer to, 
  • I choose to follow the science and will therefore not be wearing a mask.

All virus (there are billions of species) are reported to survive longer on inorganic surfaces than on skin. 

  • I cannot work with gloves so I will rely on scrupulously clean hands as always.

It has now been shown beyond any reasonable doubt that, for a number of days after receiving an mRNA injection the recipient releases potentially harmful spike proteins through the skin. In order to protect myself and those of my clients who have chosen not to have the Covid shots, I ask that you allow at least five days after receiving any Covid or other mRNA type injections before attend your ReSet appointment. 

If any of the above safety measures are not acceptable to you, I will completely understand if you choose not to go ahead with your booking. In such instances I will be happy to recommend other Rolfing colleagues whose Covid protocols may suit you better. 

General T's & C's

One session of Rolfing should be enough for the Rolfer to assess whether you, as the client will benefit from continuing with the process and for you to have an idea of whether Rolfing will suit you. Once we have agreed to your program, it is advisable as far as possible to schedule the rest of your session in advance. This will ensure continuity and guarantee a regular time slot that suits you.

All First appointments must be paid electronically at the time of booking. Subsequent Follow-up sessions can be booked in advance with payment taken automatically 24hrs before your appointment time

All missed appointments with less than 24 hours notice will be charged at the full fee.

To avoid this unpleasant situation, please notify me via telephone, text, or email as soon as you know that you will be unable to turn up if I can fill the space even at short notice there will be no charge.

If I make a scheduling mistake, which causes you to have to come back at another time, you will receive the next session free of charge.

I want you to feel comfortable, but equally, it is essential that I can see and work on your skin, so the following options are suggested:

  • Underwear
  • loose-fitting cotton vest & shorts
  • two-piece swimwear 
  • Please DO NOT WEAR Bicycle shorts, panty girdles, and other garments containing heavy elastic or lycra as they are impossible to work through. Sports bras fall into this category as they are challenging to navigate around the mid-back

I do not take before-and-after photographs unless you specifically request them. I do, however, require that you stand in underwear (or whatever you have chosen from the list above) for a few minutes so that I can assess your posture and make drawn visual notes.

Rolfing doesn’t force change. It invites it. In other words, it is not a passive process, which is “done” to you but a joint effort between Rolfer and the client to explore new options and possibilities in an open and safe environment. It is essential, therefore, that you be fully involved and committed to your process, trying to stay present during your sessions and making some effort to complete any homework suggestions between sessions.

Rolfers are trained to be fully supportive of their client’s process, during, between, and for a reasonable time after treatment. I am always available to discuss any concerns, which come up for you as a result of the work and can also refer you to another specialist if your issue is beyond my scope as a Rolfer.

Rolfers are bound by a strict code of ethics and receive extensive training in how to create a container in which change can happen. Creating an environment and working practice in which both the Rolfer and the client can feel comfortable is essential. This involves setting and maintaining clear and appropriate boundaries and ensuring that all client information is kept strictly confidential. For more information on this, please go to www.rolf.org.

Rolfing is contraindicated for people with certain medical conditions. It is your responsibility to declare all medical conditions at the outset or obtain the consent of your doctor before being Rolfed if you are unsure. In the unlikely event of a circumstance arising in which you are entitled to claim damages against me, my public liability insurance is with  Balens. A full copy of the policy is available on request.

The Rolfing practitioner must touch your body to assist you in establishing balance and alignment. By agreeing to these terms & conditions, it is understood that you give permission and consent for me your practitioner to do all that is necessary to achieve this aim, including but not limited to using various hands-on treatment methods. 

This does not affect your rights to refuse or decline any part of the treatment, which you find uncomfortable or unacceptable.

In accordance with the  European General Data Protection Regulations, the information that you provide on the intake form, including your contact details and any personal and health-related issues and subsequently written notes taken during treatment, will be kept securely. None of this information will be shared with any 3rd parties, other than my insurance company (Balens) and then only in the event of a dispute between us.

By agreeing to these terms, you permit me to store your information and to use it in relation to your ongoing Rolfing ® treatment and to contact you regarding appointments and Rolfing® related information updates.

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